A Complete Guide to Polish Wedding Traditions & Culture

William Newman
July 26, 2023

A Complete Guide to Polish Wedding Traditions & Culture

Polish Wedding Traditions

It is not too often you get to experience a Polish wedding. They are not like any other weddings you have been too. It is not nessarily just one day, it can be an entire week long celebration. includes a lot of drinking and singing.  The groom will give a speech before the wedding to his relatives. It is a very long and complicated ritual. You might not understand everything that is going on. It is a very traditional ceremony..

Another key difference is that Polish weddings often involve a lot of dancing. The reception usually features a live band, and guests are expected to hit the dance floor. If you're not a good dancer, don't worry - there are usually plenty of people around to help you out.

Finally, Polish weddings typically have between 150 to 200 guests. So, if you're planning on attending a Polish wedding, be prepared for a lot of people and a lot of fun.

A Polish wedding is full of traditions, both ancient and modern.

Wysiewanie kłosów, or “sowing of the wheat”

One of the most important traditions is the wysiewanie kłosów, or “sowing of the wheat”. This is when the parents of the bride and groom each take a handful of wheat and scatter it over the heads of the couple as they kneel before the altar. This is done to symbolize fertility and abundance.

Chleb weselny

Another important tradition is the sharing of the wedding bread, or chleb weselny. This is a special bread that is baked in the shape of a ring. The couple breaks off a piece of the bread and feeds it to each other, then the guests do the same. This is a symbol of the couple’s unity and the beginning of their life together.

Złoty kłos, or “golden sheaf”

There are many other traditions associated with a Polish wedding, such as the złoty kłos, or “golden sheaf”. This is a sheaf of wheat that is decorated with gold ribbon and given to the couple by the parents. It is meant to wish them a life full of prosperity.

What to wear to a polish wedding

Polish weddings are very similar to American weddings, but there are a few key differences. For one, the bride and groom often wear traditional clothing. Traditional polish wedding dress:

The bride may wear a white dress and veil, they also wear a crown of flowers, the groom and his best men will wear white suits. Additionally, it is not uncommon for the guests to wear all white as well.

The Ceromony

Polish weddings are some of the most beautiful and unique in the world. The ceremony is usually held in a Catholic church, and the bride and groom exchange traditional vows. After the ceremony, the guests often eat a large feast, and the reception is often held in a large hall or outdoor space. There is usually live music, and the guests dance the night away. At the end of the night, the bride and groom often share a final dance, and the guests shower them with rice or confetti.

What is the party after a wedding called?

A Polish wedding is typically followed by a party called a wesele. The wesele usually lasts all night and includes food, drink, music, and dancing.

Polish Wedding Blessing

"May God be with you, and bless you. May you see your children's children. May you be poor in misfortunes and rich in blessings. May you know nothing but happiness from this day forward."

„Niech Bóg będzie z tobą i błogosławi ci. Obyś widział dzieci swoich dzieci. Obyś był ubogi w nieszczęścia i bogaty w błogosławieństwa. Obyś od tego dnia nie znał nic poza szczęściem”.

Drinking Toasts

Polish wedding drinking toasts are usually short and to the point. The most popular toasts are "Na zdrowie!" (To your health!), "Do szabli!" (To your sword!), and "Do kieliszka!" (To your glass!).

Drinking Vodka at Weddings

Drinking vodka at weddings is a Polish tradition that dates back centuries. It is said that the vodka symbolizes the strong bond of marriage and helps to ward off evil spirits. Today, vodka is still a popular choice for toasting at weddings, and it is not uncommon for guests to drink shots of vodka throughout the reception.


The Crown of Flowers

Polish weddings are often called "The Crown of Flowers" because of the beautiful floral decorations that are used. The bride and groom are each given a crown of flowers to wear during the ceremony. After the ceremony, the guests often shower the newlyweds with flowers as they leave the church.

Food Eaten at Polish Weddings

Polish weddings usually have a sit-down dinner with multiple courses. Common wedding foods include various types of pierogi, kielbasa, and bigos.  To drink, guests usually have vodka or wine.

A typical Polish wedding feast begins with an assortment of appetizers, including herring, smoked salmon, and various types of kielbasa. The main course is usually pierogi, kotlet schabowy (breaded pork cutlets), and bigos (a stew made with meat, cabbage, and sauerkraut).  To drink, guests usually have vodka or wine.

Polish Wedding Sausage - (kielbasa weselna) Weselna means wedding

A very large, smoked sausage that is usually served in one or two pieces per person. The sausage is often served with sauerkraut, mashed potatoes, and/or Hunter's Stew (Bigos).

Wedding Cake - A Polish wedding cake is often a traditional fruit cake called a korovai.

Wedding Gifts

Polish weddings typically involve a lot of gift giving. The most common gifts are money, household items, or alcohol. Alcohol is a very popular gift at Polish weddings because it is seen as a way to help the newlyweds start their life together. Money is also a popular gift because it is seen as a way to help the couple start their new life together. Household items are also popular gifts because they are seen as a way to help the couple set up their new home.

Wedding Games

Polish Wedding Songs

Polish wedding songs are an important part of any Polish wedding celebration. They help to set the mood and create an atmosphere of joy and celebration. There are many different types of Polish wedding songs, from traditional folk songs to modern pop songs. Regardless of what type of song you choose, it is sure to get your guests dancing and having a great time.

Here is a list of traditional Polish Folk Songs;

1. Hej, Slubna Panna (Hey, Bride-to-Be) 2. Gdzie podziewasz sie, Jasiu (Where Are You, Jasiu?) 3. Czarny Dunajec (The Black Dunajec) 4. W kolo Tanca (In the Circle Dance) 5. Hej, U Pani Jasiu (Hey, Mrs. Jasiu's House) 6. Na Gory, na Gory (To the Mountains, to the Mountains) 7. Bylem u furtki, u furtki (I Was at the Gate, at the Gate) 8. Jak sie Bawi, Bawi (How They Dance, They Dance) 9. Krakowiaczek, Jak Zgubisz sie (Krakowiak, If You Get Lost) 10. Wiazanka (The Garland) 11. Wesele (The Wedding) 12. Goralu, Czy Ci Nie Zal (Mountain Man, Aren't You Sorry?) 13. Bylem u furtki, u furtki (I Was at the Gate, at the Gate) 14. Na Gory, na Gory (To the Mountains, to the Mountains) 15. Krakowiaczek, Jak Zgubisz sie (Krakowiak, If You Get Lost)